.....other living creatures fly in the gas; and still others creep and walk upon the ground
on the bottom of the gaseous ocean. Man, a being of erect stature, thinks himself the
prince of creation. He felt like this long before he, by his own efforts, came to know
how to fly on wings of metal around the globe. He felt godlike long before he could talk
to his fellow-man on the other side of the globe.
Today he can see the microcosm in a drop and the elements in the stars. He knows
the laws, governing the living cell with its chromosomes, and the laws governing the
macrocosm of the sun, moon, planets, and stars. He assumes that gravitation keeps the
planetary system together, man and beast on their planet, the sea within its borders. For
millions and millions of years, he maintains, the planets have rolled along on the same
paths, and their moons around them, and man in these eons has arisen from a one-cell
infusorium all the long way up the ladder to his status of Homo sapiens.
Is man's knowledge now nearly complete? Are only a few more steps necessary to
conquer the universe: to extract the energy of the atom-since these pages were written
this has already been done -to cure cancer, to control genetics, to communicate with
other planets and learn if they have living creatures, too?
Here begins Homo ignoramus.
He does not know what life is or bow it came to be and whether it originated from
inorganic matter. He does not know whether other planets of this sun or of other suns
have life on them, and if they have, whether the forms of life there are like those around
us, ourselves included. He does not know how this solar system came into being,
although he has built up a few hypotheses about it. He knows only that the solar system
was constructed billions of years ago. He does not know what this mysterious force of
gravitation is that holds him and his fellow man on the other side of the planet with their
feet on the ground, although he regards the phenomenon itself as "the law of laws." He
does not know what the earth looks like five miles under his feet. He does not know how
mountains came into existence or what caused the emergence of the continents, although
he builds hypotheses about these, nor does he know from where oil came- again hypotheses.
He does not know why, only a short time ago, a thick glacial sheet pressed upon most of
Europe and North America, as he believes it did; nor how palms could grow above the polar
circle, nor how it came about that the same fauna fill the inner lakes of the Old and the
New World. He does not know where the salt in the sea came from." - Immanuel Velikovsky
"Worlds in Collision"